First you must decide which aquarium size will suit your needs. If you only have a few fish or a small siamese fighter, you would not need a large aquarium that takes up your room space.

Water is very heavy, about 10 pounds per gallon, so it would be great to calculate your aquarium weight. Remember to make sure you have a sturdy base, table or shelf to accommodate the weight of your new aquarium. There are some free calculators available online Always measure the area you want to place your aquarium to determine the right size.

Get the rest of your equipment together. You’ll need:

  • 100% clear silicone sealant
  • Masking or duct tape
  • A caulk gun
  • A few large containers or heavy objects for holding up the glass



Start with the bottom piece, applying a thin and continuous strip of silicone along the top, about 2mm away from the edge (where the front pane of glass will rest on). The strip of silicone should be about 3mm in diameter. If you’re not used to using a caulk gun, practice before hand making even lines on something else, like newspaper or cardboard. When you cut the top of the tube, cut a 3mm opening to control the size of your output. Be sure to work quickly; silicone sets in 2-3 minutes.



With your caulk gun in hand, run another thin lines of silicone along the sides. Then repeat along the inside edge of the front pane (remember: the side pieces are fitting not only into the bottom, but sandwiched in between the front and back). Press the first side piece into place, firmly but gently. You should now have one corner of your aquarium together. Try to avoid realigning the any piece if you do, you could create bubbles in the silicone, leading to leaking later. Repeat this for the other sides, as you add the sides remember to use the heavy object to keep the glass upright. Press it firmly, yet gently, into place. Use your tape to hold the sides together, to the top and bottom of each side.



Allow the silicone to dry and set. Most types of silicone dry within 24-48 hours. It will harden even more as time goes on, so if you can resist, don’t fill up your new aquarium with water for a good week. Before you go about assembling your aquarium, it’s best to see if your work holds up. Fill the tank with a few inches of water. Let it sit a minute. If it doesn’t leak, continue with setup. Enjoy decorating and adding fish to your aquarium.

Not a DIY person, don’t worry, Jamaica Ornamental Fish supply everything; custom made aquariums to fit any space and need, we’ll decorate, install, setup and maintain.

For further information like our page, send us a email or contact us via any one of our social media pages.

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