Q & A Questions & Answers

How many fish can my Aquarium hold?

Aquarium stacked properly based on size

There are several methods aquarists use to determine the safe holding capacity of their aquarium. One inch of fish per gallon of water is a good rule of thumb for most small community fish (like most Tetras and Platies). Your oxygen levels, filtration, fish size will determine the amount.




Canister filter

How do I Maintain Good Water Quality?

Regular partial water changes and cleaning, adequate filtration, monitored water chemistry, etc. If this is not done, it can cause stress, which weakens the fishes immune system leading to disease and death.





What type of Food do I feed my Fish?

First you need to know if you fish is a:

  • Herbivore –           A plant eater
  • Carnivore –           A meat eater.
  • Omnivore –           a consumer of both plants and meaty foods .



What type of Filter is best for my Aquarium?

Always choose a filter that cycles twice the amount of water your aquarium holds per hour, hang on and canister filters pumps the water out and filters it, through a number of media sponge for fine particles which acts as a bio media then charcoal and bio balls. Sponge filters act solely as bio filters; you would need to siphon, to remove heavy waste from aquarium.


Fin rot disease 

How do I recognize diseases?

The first sign that your fish is sick, he starts acting lethargic, stops eating, white spots on skin, sores/open wounds, swollen belly, fin rot, laboured breathing are some signs suggesting that your fish is suffering, if not assessed and treated properly, your fish will die. First thing to do is correct and improve your water quality by doing a 90% water change. Separate and treat in a separate tank.


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